Daily difficulties in finding proper staff for the company

Who never had any type of staff related problem “send the first email” and signal it to us immediately.
Most companies, if not all of them, complain they have staff related problems, especially because they do not manage to find proper, professional staff, respectful towards its superiors and colleagues and especially dedicated to its work.
On the contrary, the companies that find valid staff keep it close, very close!

But we spontaneously wonder: “Why is this happening in such a historical period, with high rates of unemployment and poverty?”
Isn’t it maybe, in the interest of each worker, to keep his job, making the best possible impression to the employer, performing the task assigned diligently and with dedication?

Besides this answer’s social and philosophical side, each contractor or staff supervisor must really consider this matter: to neglect it or deal with it superficially could generate immediate economic loss and lethal consequences in the future!
If each company would calculate the value of all the lost time, of all resources and instruments used to employ and manage improper staff, summing it with the value of each consequence produced by the superficiality, indifference, absenteeism and incapacity of this staff, we easily reach figures with 5 or 6 zeros.

We shall quickly analyse the main critical points of both parties: persons and companies.

Most people today no longer respect the fundamental values, as respect towards the others respect towards the job and respect towards their owns employer or supervisor.
Also the economic restrictions, the stereotypes of a world which is more and more virtual and less and less real contributes to creating a voluble generation, focused only on its interests and anxious when we are talking about the future.
Translation: people you cannot trust, too scared to undertake responsibilities, without any foresight, focused only on their own needs.
These people DO NOT HAVE a job, they EXPLOIT a job!

Adopting a precise and efficient method for job search and selection, which allows actually finding the proper person within the masses!

Many companies affected by a suffocating taxation, by a high cost of the human resources, by illicit (but legalized) competition have to use contracts with minimum remunerations, or make young people poor.
In such cases it is not plausible to think that the employee feels motivated!
To this point we add the critical points, described also in a recent survey published by Sole24Ore, produced by errors committed by the manager and by the supervisors during the search, selection, training, operative management and motivation of the staff (managements applied instinctively and casually, demotivate the employees until determining them to leave).

Increasing the quality and productivity in each work process, by applying and using a precise and efficient method!
Increasing the quality of the staff and its productivity automatically reduces the incidence of the costs which cannot be managed, such as fiscal pressure, labour and competition cost.
It is inverserely proportional: the increase of the quality and of the turnover, reduces the incidence of costs!

The lack of welfare (for people as well for companies) which produces catastrophic effects.

Instead, when entering a company which managed to solve staff related problems, through efficient methodologies, welfare is in the air, is tangible and becomes a pride for the managers.

Consequently, the most important step which must be taken, to avoid staff problems, is entrusting yourself in the hands of an expert professional, specialized in applying an efficient and tested method, which allows finding “the diamonds in the coal” (the proper candidate), his training, management and motivation!

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